Poster For Tomorrow | FinalFinal.pdf


Client: Poster For Tomorrow

Poster for Tomorrow is an international poster exhibition that encourages people, both in and outside the design community, to make posters to stimulate debate on issues that affect us all. It all started in 2009, by a group of designers who wanted to draw attention to issues that they felt strongly about. Since then, they’ve received over 4000 posters from 81 countries, and hosted more than 70 exhibitions in 5 continents. This year’s brief work right focused on everybody’s right to fair and equal employment. Students were encouraged to pause, reflect, and consider their personal voice, seeing their design practice as a powerful tool to inform, educate, and empower others.

Outcomes: poster design

Mitchell Connell

Lisa Emmanuel

Angelica Flores

Claire Hutchinson

Manuel Khoshaba

Vonn Layug

Corinne Parton

Caitie Quirk

Maneeta Um