Emily Finger | FinalFinal.pdf


Emily Finger



Patriotism is a concept that is understood in both positive and negative ways, on the one hand it is seen as a vehicle for racial discrimination, and on the other hand it is seen as a sentiment of honour, respect and pride. This can cause quite a lot of confusion as to the definition of patriotism. Is patriotism about giving up your life for your country? Is it meaningless flag waving and racial discrimination? Is it a feeling of pride in your country that drives you to do what you can to make your country better and to share your country’s achievements with others? This project critiques notions of patriotism in the everyday lives of school students and young adults and represents patriotism as a sentiment that can be understood in both positive and negative ways. In order to fully understand the concept of patriotism this project also identifies and explores related concepts such as national identity, popular culture, and the representation of patriotic sentiments through national symbols in the form of an illustrated graphic novel.